So… the wrist is broken… in two places. Seeing an orthopaedic surgeon tomorrow – likely I’ll get a proper cast from the elbow ( just got a half-cast now). Sick of this crap on my arm already… tired of the pain. Can’t rotate or move the wrist from side to side without big pain. Not fun. 12 weeks to the Manx GP. That gives me about 6 weeks to repair… 6 weeks to get fit. Still got a bike to build! Doh!
Nay worries. I will be at the Manx.
I’ll be doing the Ultra-lightweight race on the morning of Friday 4th September on a Desmo Due 620 Monster. 4 laps of the hallowed ?TT Mountain Course. Mike (MD Racing) is kindly sponsoring me for this ride, providing the bike and will be on the Isle wielding spanners for the team (and of course... the all-important set-up work...). With only 62 horsepower and weighing over 165 kg, the wee beast is going to get a thrashing... but I think she'll go well. Looking for a 90 mph plus lap.
On the same day, in the afternoon I'll roll out for the Senior race. I'll be doing that on my first race bike. Candy. The 1998 Aprilia RSV SP that I did the 2006 Manx GP on. The gearbox was worn and the engine due for a refresh (8 500 miles of thashing around tracks!), I crashed her at the Gooseneck at Cadwell in October 2007. She hasn't run since. Cartwheeled and landed on the nose/clocks - split the headstock open. I stripped her into boxes over the winter but has been a challenge to get her back together.
The welding god who is Geoff repaired the frame (so technically she is no longer an Aprilia...) and the engine is with Andy at Southern Cross. What a frikikin' mission to get parts for this rare beast... and the price! Bejeeesus! She's putting me in the poor-house!
Currently having custom head gaskets hand cut and hopefully will have the engine back in a few weeks. Then the build proper shall commence. Got some trick bits for her. I hope to get her together as a better bike than she's ever been. 112 mph is the target for this baby. Hopefully I'll have some time to blog the build.
(Manx GP 2006 - 108 mph on a stock 1998 bike ain't bad... but missed out on a replica by 8 seconds... that still fuckin' hurts!)
Been watching on-board DVDs and playing the playstation for the past few months. I do a lap in my mind every morning while driving to work (I tend to 'lean' into the turns and land up zig-zagging my way down the lanes!). I am more prepared than I have ever been. Just the small matter of a fucked wrist... but this will heal. There is no choice... it has to.
Don't think I'll be doing any racing (flat-track included - bloody dangerous!) till after the Manx. A few track-days to shake the bikes down and do some setup... but that'll be it until I head down Bray Hill for first practice on 22nd August. Just won't have any time... and can't risk injury. Man! I can't wait!
(Manx GP 2005 - on a 156 bhp Mille... she pulled like a bastard! Engine case cracked during practice... stuffed a rag in the fairing and finished 12th in the Newcomers, 104mph and a replica... with a boot full of oil! I had no idea what I had gotten myself into! I had no idea how much that place would blow my mind!)
I was all entered and physically prepared to go last year... by my mind just wasn't into it. I had the 600 Honda all ready, ferries, crew, accomodation... everything set. But there was a nagging in the back of my mind, I just wasn't sure, I had to work up my motivation. I just wasn't into it. Not the mental space you want to be before fucking off down Bray Hill at a kazillion miles an hour.
It was that bloody bike... the Honda. I just didn't trust it after it tried to kill me...