Sunday 27 November 2011

Well Done Chief!

My brother Igor finished the Roof of Africa yesterday... 60th out of 100 in the Silver Class. 11 hours and 32 minutes for the stage on Saturday... it was worth it! Brilliant achievement!

Bloody well done chief!!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

My Brother - The Winner!

A few weeks ago my brother Igor did the last of his 'training' events. He landed up winning his class! Well done Chief!

Here are a few pics...

Today he's travelling down to the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho with his trusty KTM steed to take on one of the toughest enduro events in the world: Roof of Africa Extreme Enduro.
Look out for No. 275...

Good luck Chief!

Monday 21 November 2011


Saturday we were at Rollerburn.

Roller-Derby: Girls in fishnets and hot-pants bashing each other around on roller-skates
Thanks Jason Ruffell for the pic.
Thanks Jason Ruffell for the pic.
Thanks Jason Ruffell for the pic.
The red team (forgotten their name) won by 1 point.
No.22 was their star, scoring most of their points... she also won the sprint races!
Thanks Jason Ruffell for the pic.

Some girls play rough!

A first of it's kind event with custom bike show, stands selling things from tee-shirts and cupcakes to pin-striping and flattracker parts, roller-derby, roller drag-races, live bands, slalom skating, roller-girl sprint races, art exhibition...

My favourite bike on display - Sideburn Ben's Guzzi. This bike has supremo kudos... the way I like 'em:
Ridden - not polished.

A babe and one cool-lookin' BSA streettracker
(Saturday morning was the first time I've cleaned the old gal  in the last 2 years!)

One of the many and rediculously detailed customs... makes the BSA look like the weekend hack that it is

Skateboard slalom competition - Skooterfarm Dave gets taken out big-time by a skater going the wrong way up the course! Ouch!

The ramp was a work of art!

The ramp was also used for the Roller-Girl sprint races
A couple of the lasses came a cropper...
Grim determination.
Thanks Jason Ruffell for the pic.
Roller Drag-Race: Nutters on flattrackers draggin' girls on roller-skates.
Thanks Jason Ruffell for the pic.

It was way cool and great to see many of my mates there! Thanks to the guys at Sideburn and all the others that put in all the graft to make it the success it was...

When's the next one?

Saturday 19 November 2011

Beta Love

I've had the wee Beta trials bike for 3 years now. In that time, all I've done is: every 9 months fill her with premix and punish her for 2 days at a time in Scotland.

Time for some Beta Love!
On the last Scotland trip she couldn't do the big climbs in 4th with the others. She was feeling soggy and tired compared to the others' bikes and was spinning up in 3rd everywhere. Kinda spoiled the quarry day a bit.

The worst part was draining the coolant... down my sleeve... on the bench... on the floor...
Dinky carb

I've never done a carb cleanout or two-smoke top-end rebuild before. Was pretty straight-forward. Badda-bing, badda-boom... all back together... two kicks and she started then ran sweet as a nut! Result!

Tired and dirty

Shiny and new - these parts cost about 25% of the value of the bike - doh!

Also gave the brakes a service, fixed the exhaust, put on some big-ass bars and a few other bits 'n pieces. She scrubbed up real good and is feeling better than ever. Now she'll be buried in the garage for another nine months till the next Scotland trip.

Note: this is a 'Racing' bike

Friday 18 November 2011

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Enduroland Training

Got out to a local Enduroland event for a bit of training on Sunday. The course was short and slippy-slidey in places. We had great sunny weather - if it rained it would have been real tough going on the big ol' fourfiddy and not so much fun.

When there's grip, nothing can live with the fourfiddy!

Braaaap! Braaaap!
After two hours giving it big, I was knackered. The goal is to get fit enough to do a few hare-scrambles in the next months... without dying.

Monday 14 November 2011


Great pic from the guys at Cafe Racer Culture...

Friday 11 November 2011

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Scotland Trials - Day 2

On Saturday my friends and I were at the bing quarry with the trials bikes. Al showed us how it was done... taking on some big steps...

Al conquering one of many giant step-ups
Sizing up the challenge...

Boom! He's up!
Cutting about the bing


Mike and Ant having a chuckle

Not a boys-only event... Anita getting in on some trials malarkey

Al jumping onto a boulder...

... unsuccessful first try.

Second attempt


In the sunshine with bikes and friends... awesome!

Thanks for another fantastic Scots weekend guys!

Monday 7 November 2011

Scotland Trials - Day 1

Mike, Ant, Clint, Jack and I went up to Scotland on Thursday night for a wee bit o ridin on the trials bikes. Al joined us and 6 trials bikes headed out for some free-riding...

Unloading and kitted up...
It started as a beautiful day... but the weather moved in at lunchtime...

The wee Beta in the forest

Clint had never ridden a trials bike and only had road-gear... he did brilliantly!

The most scenic gas station in the world


Jack launching it over the hills!

Aaaaah! That fresh country air

An awesome day's trail riding with mates... doesn't get much better than this!