Racing at Snetterton today to get another qualifying 'meeting'.
Up at 04h30, out the door at 05h00. In the van I read the final instructions for the first time. There is a comprehensive schedule - the first time I've seen one in final instructions. My Qualifying is at 11h35. Blimey... that gives me 6 1/2 hours to drive to Snetterton, scrootineering, sign-on and to kit-up. Plenty time. I go back inside and get another hours shut-eye on the sofa.
An easy drive, scroot, sign-on and kit-up. Out on track at 11h35.
This is the first time I have raced with Thundersport GB. Thundersport GB was started 3 years ago by Dave and Bernadette Stewart. They used to run the show at Bemsee when I raced there in 2004 & 2005. They ran a tight ship and haven't raced at a club that was as well organised. The day's events followed the schedule to the minute - it was brilliant! No need to rush to the circuit and then find out you have a 2 hour wait before getting on the track. There is a nice vibe in the paddock and grids are a lot fuller than the New Era and Derby Phoenix meetings I have done this year... and everything runs like clockwork.
Anyways... to the action. Best lap in qualifying was 1:29.5. Don't know how that stacks up with other Desmo Due times, but I just took it easy - getting used to the bike. I had forgotten to change the gearing so ran out of revs two-thirds down the back straight. I had to feather the trottle so the engine wouldn't blow up!
There is a bit of aftermath happening on my scar from the wrist surgery. My body is pushing some internal stitches out. Last night I dug out two bits of foreign matter. The cuff of my leathers dug in and agravated this wound. It was pretty sore and messy after qualifying. I got the doctor at the circuit medical centre to sort it out.
I start the race at 14h20 sharp. Last on the grid. Racing out of class can sometimes not be much fun. Like at Oulton, they just left me behind. No worries... it's the finish that's important. After 2 laps my wrist is starting to hurt around Coram Corner - a very long, fast right hander. I usually love it, but today it hurts like fuck!
Hanging off the bike on the right-side for so long means holding damn tight with the left hand with the body across to the right side. Like with the trials bikes last week, the sideways movement is a killer on my new bionic wrist. I went slower and slower as it started to hurt more and hurt around Riches corner too (another right-hander).
I finished the race and my wrist was killing. I took some Ibuprofen after but it still swelled up. I took a nap as my next race was at 17h20.
When I woke my wrist was not good. As Colin Edwards said: "If you ain't riding at 110%, you're just wearing out the machinery.". With the wrong gearing, I was concerned for the health of the wee Monster for another 10 laps. Rain was on the way and I didn't feel up to racing, then driving 3 1/2 hours across country to sleep on the floor of a filthy hired van in a wet Darley Moor paddock. I thought of the steak in the fridge a hot shower and my clean, dry bed. I drove home.

My only pic of the 'meeting' - on the way out of Snetterton.

Being home by 19h00 gave me a few hours to spend on the BAMF...
Last night I hooked up the radiators and the whole cooling system. I got the oil radiator and oil system installed as well.

Tonight I put on the clutch, quick-action throttle and throttle bodies. These are the standard 50mm throttle bodies. Once the bike is running, these will be replaced with some 57mm monsters I have on the shelf!
I'm wasted now and need to be up early to be at Darley by 08h00... the Darley Moor guys aren't so organised, so I need to get there then wait around a few hours. It's a 3 hour drive.
I finished the race in last place - the next guy was lapping 4 seconds a lep quicker than me! No worries, my name is on the results sheet. Another 'meeting' in the bag.