Tuesday 20 July 2010

Flattracker Build - Tasty Bits

The Duke II Flattracker is currently in MOT trim. Believe it or not, I got another year of street legality with this morphing machine.

Due to my house move, all bikey activities have been on hold. But there is some activity... been collecting some tasty bits...

Those Talon wheels and Co-Built yolks are absolutely gorgeous! Works of art! I wanted black-on-black-on-black. Sick!

Bars and clamps arrived last week (black too... mabe too much black...). Can't wait to spend a little time in my new garage and get all of this stuff fitted. Having it all done in time for the next round at Buxton in 10 days might be a bridge too far... especially as I can only work on teh bikes for part of this weekend. We'll see...

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