Sunday 29 May 2011

Brands Hatch GP Action Pics

Some great action shots from last weekend's racing at Brands Hatch GP...

Coming out of Stirling - after Paddock Hill Bend this is my favourite turn of the track. A left hander (unusual for a British circuit) with huge camber. You just bury the bike in there and accelerate hard all the way through, you shoot out the other side... like a roller-coaster... awesome!

Clearways - completely different when approached form the GP circuit... faster and a lot more fun!

Paddock Hill bend first lap fracas! 

Powering out of Surtees and up the hill onto the GP circuit loop - the little SV, despite her newfound power was punching above her weight in the Thunderbikes class (it's governed by power-to-weight ratio). Getting up the steep hill after a slow turn was hard work for her.

Thanks Racing Line Photography for the technically excellent shots and great service!

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