Looks like a good time was had by all in the Co Built Team at the Flat Track Friday.

Chatted to the ACU yesterday. I asked if an extension would be considered on getting my 3 'meetings' done. I was told I need to do them first, then ask. Sounds a bit arse-about-face... "Go spend loads of time, effort, money and risk injury and then we'll think about it.". I asked if any extensions had been given before... the answer was a flat "No." Not looking good. Will get on the blower this afternoon to the Chairman of the Comittee to try get some sort of clarity.
Otherwise had my first Physio on my wrist today. Lookin' good for that point of view... not good because of the internal stitches being on the outside. See ing the surgeon on Friday about this... not happy - I think they did a crap job closing me up. Doesn't fill me with confidence when I consider the work they did on the inside of me.
Aprilia motor is still not finished! No good.
Sit back, get mended, enjoy the summer, do the Manx properly next year. You know better than me it's not the place to go to in a half-arsed manner. G
ReplyDeleteill second that!!.
ReplyDeleteAs the boys said. Chill and mend. 'its an option anyway!'
ReplyDeleteThanks guys... but injury and other things not working out have kept me from the Manx GP for the last two years running. Every year I invest more time energy and money to get there... don't want to give up just yet...