Oh - I called the ACU today to find out how my TT Moutain Course licence is getting on as I sent it in 3 weeks ago and haven't heard anything.
The lady says it's been rejected because I haven't done 6 'meetings'. So apparently, to progress from Novice to Clubman and then Clubman to National licence, a 'meeting' is a day's racing. My last two Mountain Course Licences followed this principle and I got my licence no problemo. Now, all of a sudden, for the TT Course Licence, a 'meeting' is an entire weekend's racing!
I nearly fell on the floor when I heard this. So... depite me doing 7 races at Anglesey in May, this only counts as 1 'meeting'. I can go wobble around Mallory on Boxing Day in the rain... and this also counts as 1 'meeting'. Absolutely absurd! The ACU have done this for 'safety'... because apparently, wobbling around on Boxing Day in the rain is preparing the rider for teh rigours of racing on the TT Mountain Course! I think they are a bunch of ignoramuses... or perhaps they have other motives?
So... according to the ACU I need to do 3 more 'meetings' because the 17 races (over 6 separate days) in the last 12 months just isn't enough! What an absolute load of tripe!
I will speak to the person who rejected my application directly tomorrow to get to the bottom of this... I hope the ACU are not trying to kill off road racing in the UK.

Here we have a Titanium 'hotshoe' (that didn't really work - needs re-engineering) with matching Titanium plate (hidden under scarred flesh - that I hope will work)
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