A lovely afternoon. 22 degrees, sunny. Got the Wee Monster through scroot ok. Waiting for practice to start. We'll be out at 19h25. I'm near the front of the queue and the weather looks promising - I'm hoping to get 2 laps in.
I did 2 laps in the Chevy this morning before 08h00, cooked a full english breakfast and then sorted the leaking fuel tank on the BAMF. All looking good. Then we try and start her up... Clack! Clunk! Clack! Whirr!
Oh fuck! What now? She doesn't start and sounds like the engine is about to fall to pieces. A few checks and very expensive phone calls later and we narrow it down to a poked sprag clutch (the clutch that engages/disangages the starter motor when starting). One needs special Aprilia tools to replace it. So we prep the Monster (we make a few changes because she was bouncing around on Saturday) and I haul the BAMF across the island to the Aprilia dealer in Ramsey; Paul Dedman Motorcycles. Paul says the work is no problem, but we have to wait for the parts that'll be shipped in from the mainland.
What a fuckin' ball-ache! One gadamn thing after another! Not good... once again I'm missing out on valuable practice time because a meticulously prepared bike lets me down. When I get her back I'm gonna wring her bloddy neck around here!

Anyhow... we can only do what we can do.
The chopper (air-ambulance) has just taken off... that means the roads are closed, all is "GO" and practice is about to get underway. I'm gonna go see the other lads off and then get suited up for 2 laps on the Wee Monster.
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