Got the wee monster all prepped and ready in the morning. Hadn't heard any news about the BAMF so I took advantage of the brilliant sunny weather and headed out for a lap on the old BSA. It was good fun, especially coming over the mountain. I got her up to 74mph!
I got back to the house, had some lunch loaded the monster and started packing the van for the evening practice. My phone rings and it's Paul with news about the BAMF. The parts arrived in the morning and she's all good to go! Brilliant! I finish packing and head over the mountain to pick her up.
It's 17h00 by the time I get back to the paddock with the BAMF and wee monster. the BAMF still needed a bit of work to get her through scrootineering so I set to work at a frantic pace. Top-up oil, fit transponder, apply numbers, fit belly-pan, lockwire front-end, fuel... she's good to go so I haul her up to scrootineering. As I get there I smell petrol. I look down to see my belly-pan full of petrol. Doh! I should have remembered this from 2006... to get to scrootineering you have to go up a steep hill... and if you overfill the tank she pisses petrol everywhere.
I get her back down to the paddock (whick of course is teh furtherest paddock from scrootineering) and whip out 5 litres of fuel... I guess it'll be a 1 lapper with her tonight then.
Back up to scroots. There is a question about her exposed oil tank... I always get ummmms in the scroot bay with the BAMF. It's because the the scroots don't normally see a bike that is supposed to have a fairing naked. They don't really know what to do... like when you bump into your naked sister in the bathroom.
Eventually she's all done 10 minutes before the session is to start. One of the Geordie lads, Pete was most helpful and helped out with getting the wee monster through scroots and into Parc Ferme for me. I run down to the van to get changed... all kitted up and I walk briskly back up to the pit-lane. When I get there, the session is well underway, most of the lads have blasted off the line and by the time I can get my helmet and gloves on, I'm facing down Glencrutchery Road again. I get a tapon my shoulder... and I'm off.

Jeeeeesus! After getting used to the genteel power of the wee monster, the BAMF just about rips my arms from their sockets and heads down the road in a blur. Man, she is fast!
But... she's jumping all over the place... before I get to Bray Hill I know she it setup too hard. Nay worries... I just hold on and enjoy the ride. Through Snugborough and she wobbles around a bit. Slightly disconcerting at over 130mph. I take it easy... get some heat into the tyres and get used to her pace. By the time we're 5miles down the road she feel slike an old pair of shoes.Very comfy. I take it easy and just feel what she's doing. Down Sulby straight I'm only at 80% throttle as she wobbles about over 120 mph. She is glorious over the mountain where the road is smooth though.
After 1 lap I come in to the pits. There's plenty of time so I drop her off down at the paddock and warm up the wee monster. It's a beautiful sun-shining evening and I should be able to get 2 laps in on her.
The two laps go well. She is much better, but still bouncing a bit over the bumps. I get into a rythm and really start enjoying the TT Mountain Course. The sensation of hooning along the closed roads of the most hallowed race circuit in the world, warm evening sunshine, boom of a Ducati vee twin in my ears, the smell of Castrol 'R' from the classic 2-smoke in front of me... I just lapped it all in.

First lap 88mph, second 89.9 (with 3 yellow-flag incidents... costing me many seconds). I need 90mph and 3 laps to qualify... close enough.
The light was good and Nic got some great shots too... we got back to the house tired but on a high. :-)
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